Anacreon(born ca. 570 BC) was a Greek lyric poet, notable for his drinking songs and hymns.Anacreon wrote all of his poetry in the ancient Ionic dialect. Like all early lyric poetry, it was composed to be sung or recited to the accompaniment of music, usually the lyre.Anacreon's poetry touched on universal themes of love, infatuation, disappointment, revelry, parties, festivals, and the observations of everyday people and life.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

SPJIMR Round 2 - GI Experience

TIME : 2:45 PM
Date : 23/03
Place : SPJIMR, Mumbai
Not much to say about the second round... Mosta the people had the same profiles, equivalent performances in the GIs...and same CAT percentiles...I was asked questions on my work ex, general awareness and some leadership examples from my life... In the first round atleast one could make out that some people would not making it to the next stage.. but this second round did not have any thing that differentiated people, esp, with everyone having more or less the same background... I am clueless how the candidates are going to be shortlisted/rejected.... And that's a scary thought!The good thing was that I met a school friend of mine at SPJ..Was quite pleased to know that he has bagged one of the best offers at SPJ this year.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

NITIE Mumbai - GD/PI Experience

TIME: 0800 hrs onwards.
Date: 15/03
Place: Nitie, Mumbai
The GD/PI process got over before I realized! Was a fun stay at Nitie, met so many pagals there... Would have loved it if the Profs had asked me a few more questions though and had I answered some of them....
Group Discussion: Group of 10, topic "Management is an Art or Science"...Was an okayish GD, spoke lesser compared to my usual standards...
I was talking to a Nitie student outside panel 2 when a Prof walked in....
Prof: So are we running late?
Student: Yes Sir, we have around 20-25 candidates left...
Prof: Should we speed it up? Aren't the candidates enjoying it?
Moi: Sir, if 5 Profs grill 1 candidate, how will he enjoy it?
Prof: Hmmm, why aren't they being asked tech stuff?
Moi: No, Sir, general discussion mostly....
Prof: So should we make it tech?
Moi: Yes, Sir, why not...but after me.....
I was just having a light banter with him, had got bored to death waiting for the interview to happen... After this is was called to Panel 3,and while I was waiting outside, I see the same Prof. walking in... When he saw me he gave a BIG grin.... I was like oh, ho!!!! tu to gaya beta!!!
Personal Interview: 5 Profs, and poor old moi...
Prof: What's a PIN Diode?
Moi: Sir, I know what a diode is, can't recall PIN diode...
Prof: What's the application of a Zener Diode?
Moi: Duh!!
Prof: Can a Geosynchronous satellite be used for interactive purposes? What's the time taken for a signal to come back? What height is it at?
Moi: It is used for education, long distance yes, it can be used for interactive purposes... time taken should be very less, and approximately at 6400 Km....
Prof: (With a look of utter hopelessness and pity) It cant be used for interactive purposes, it takes 0.5s and it is at 20000 Km...
Prof: Ok, thank you...
Moi: Thank You sir...
Time spent in Mumbai : 2 days...
Time spent in PI : 3 mins....
Questions answered : very close to zero....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

MDI Gurgaon- GD/PI Experience

Time : 1400 hrs
Date : 12/03
Place : IIM-B

I reached quite early around 12:30, walked around the IIMB campus and had a coffee at Coffee Day. Even the mundane coffee tasted special in the beautiful campus. I was complaining to God why B didn't give me a call, even though I met all their "criteria"... Anyway, this is about MDI..

Group Discussion: We were a group of 7 with one girl included. We were given a graph that compared the %age population in 15-60 years age group among the G6 and the BRIC nations. It was a forecast for the next 50 years. (Methinks it was taken from the Puroshottam female's BRIC report! )
The guy who started took the words out of my mouth. The graph was in black and white, and hence it was difficult to make out which was for which nation. I wanted to begin by getting this sorted, but was beaten to it by another guy. A bad start! Sign of things to come? Anyway, I hardly write anything on the sheet before starting of with the GD, and this has been quite helpful so far. Even today I made decent contributions by identifying the age group as the working age group, spoke about baby boomers in the US, the need to develop infrastructure such as medical tourism, and alternate sources of energy eg Suzlon,about China's population falling because of the 1 child norm etc. It was a decent GD, the lady professor even said good at the end (I hope she was not being sarcastic! ). I would rate mah-self 2-3 in the group.

Personal Interview: I was called in 5th, it was according to the seating order in the GD.
Male Professor : ML, Female Professor : FL, and moi.
MP : Tell us something about yourself.
Moi : told
FL : Why do you want to do an MBA?
Moi : told, think she was satisfied at the end.
FL : Having seen Tata Steel at close quarters who do you think has a bigger contribution, the shop floor workers or the managers?
Moi : Well, it would be unfair to say who has a bigger contribution as each is important in his scope of work.
ML : Since you have a telecom background, what do you see as India's future in telecom?
Moi : It is very optimistic. Gave example of Vodafone buying out Hutch, rate of growth of Indian market, lowest costs, yet very less penetration, thus larger opportunities. Also spoke about the article in the newspaper that spoke about talks between Vodafone and Essar for infrastructure sharing.
FL : What are your views on the budget?
Moi : non-contentious, politically affected, and a non-event in the growing, globalized world. Spoke about why cement excise wont bring down inflation. Goo things about the budget education, health care and women centric, also attempt to increase water table and scholarships. Things lacking in budget, spoke about the oil exploration being taxed, cement excise, no clear cut policy definitions on how the money will be raised, no public private partnership.
FL : What are your views on President delaying hanging of Mohammed Afzal?
Moi : Spoke about it sending down wrong signals to the nation, loss of patriotism and pride. He had committed a grave crime by attacking the Parliament.
FL : But the politicians are corrupt anyway, so what difference does it make?
Moi : Said that even then, they are our democratically elected leaders, also the people killed were ordinary policemen. Spoke about families returning medals.
FL : What do you say about President pardoning Naxalites in North East?
Moi : Said they also commit crime, but we need to address why it is happening and identifying the root cause.
FL : What do you say about Pakistan's attempts on curbing terrorism?
Moi : Spoke about Pak handing over Al-Qaeda but protecting the Taliban and the strategic location of Pakistan.
ML : Then Bush did the right thing attacking Iraq?
Moi : No, it was done unilaterally, without UN backing. Even his own people do not support it now.
FL : But at that time they did.
Moi : It was because of wrong information given to them, current situation is no different from a Mutually Assured Destruction of the nuclear days. Loss of innocent lives on both sides.
FL : So what does India stand to gain/lose with worsening US-Pak relations?
Moi: Spoke about the newspaper article that said about US thinking of severing ties with Pak. Advantage for India- US-Indo joint effort to tackle terrorism(missed about India getting funds from US). Disadvantage: We need to ensure that we don't lose our sovereignty and our foreign policy is not dictated by US.
FL : Which other calls?
Moi : IIM Indore
ML : So what will you join?
Moi : MDI, spoke about AMBA accreditation and 85 full time faculty, also deep bonds between students and the profs. (Forgot to mention location and student exchange).
FL : Students coming to IIMs and MDI are brilliant anyway, so what will you learn from the faculty?
Moi : Spoke about parents and teachers being the greatest influence and teachers being considered equivalent to God in India. Also spoke about not just academics, but soft skills, networking, communication and organizational behaviour also being taught.
These are more or less the questions that I was asked. There might be some I have missed. But was immensely satisfied with my performance, was very comfortable answering questions... made the profs acknowledge and smile at times... MDI faculty is not only
good on paper, I could feel the warmth just sitting across the table. I would count mah-self the unluckiest on earth if I dont get a final call from MDI....
The wait begins................

Monday, March 12, 2007

XIMB - GD/PI Experience

TIME : 0900 hrs
Date: 12/03
Place: Bangalore

GD: Advertising is a waste of money.
We had a decent discussion in a group of 9.( I was the extra one, had rescheduled the interview to 0900 hrs from 1100hrs)Thought we diverted a little from the topic, but it was not bad overall.

PI: Last one to be called in the panel.
Prof: Tell me something about yourself.

Moi: answered
Prof: So you are from Loyola School, Jamshedpur?

Moi: yup
Prof: You must have seen me there?

Moi: I am sorry sir, didnt get a chance to meet you.(didnt want to say yes, after not knowing him. Anyway he was not in the school staff or admin)
Prof: Ok, so who were the Principal and Vice-Principal?

Moi: told
Prof: Compare their leadership qualities?

Moi: Principal - more open and approachable. Vice-Principal- Outwardly very strict ( we were terrified of this guy) and result oriented.
Prof: So which one do you think is better?

Moi: Open and approachable but has to result oriented at the same time. (We had a small discussion on this.)
Prof: So have you ever led a team?

Moi: Told about leading a team at the place of work and captaining moi house in school.
Prof: Have you heard of TAS?

Moi: (Are you kidding me?, just applied for TAS after giving GMAT) so gave gyan.
Prof: What's the difference between a group and a team?

Moi: gave some more gyan.(We had a small discussion on this.)

(Meanwhile 2 profs got up and left, allegedly to attend the telephone calls.)

Prof: So what's a broad band?
Moi: Someting to do with larger bandwidth. Basically divided into narrow and broad bands.
Prof: So what's the BW at which this division occurs?

Moi: I am not sure Sir.
Prof: Ok, thank you.

Moi: thank you Sir.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

IIM Indore - GD/PI Experience

The long wait for an IIM interview finally ended today.
Place : PESIT
TIME : 09:00 AM

Group Discussion: Was a very long case with lots of characters. Was quite confusing to remember who was who?
It was a case about a bank officer who is on his way to replenish an ATM along with a couple of security guards, two technicians and an off duty bank officer. He has been asked to replenish one of the ATMs by the bank manager as a customer is waiting there. They get waylaid by a group of robbers and the off duty bank officer is badly hurt. So the bank officer takes this guy to the hospital and doesnt replenish the ATM.
Meanwhile the customer needs cash himself as some one from his family too is in the hospital,and the hospital management has rules that require cash payment to be made before treatment. Since the hospital manager knows the customer he makes an exception to the rule.
The customer also is then admitted to the hospital for exhaustion. The hospital manager is suspended.
What should the hospital manager do?
What should the bank officer do?

My contribution:
Was the third person to speak. Made points about problems arising because of lack of clear cut policy for such exceptional cases in the hospital as well as the bank. Human angle involved in the situation.
Also hospital needs to change it's mechanism which considers only cash and not debit,credit cards, insurance etc. Both these people should be used as a feedback, maybe more number of security guards are needed.
Also that the hospital manager has to say that he was trying to protect the image of the hospital. What if the patient had died?
Thought it was a decent contribution from my side. But just a nagging feeling that I have got. Did the robbers steal the money? Because I said that the bank officer was responsible enough not to let anyone unauthorised replenish the money.

Personal Interview: Was the third person to be called.
Professor 1,P1. Professor 2,P2. and moi.
P1: So how does it feel to be back in college?
Moi: (was expecting this)Sir, very nostalgic. Spoke about all the places in college and meeting a lecturer in the morning. About how happy she was to know why I was there. Also about the changes in college especially the PACE(Partnersip for Advanced Collaboration in Education).
There were huge boards about PACE in college.
P1: So why dont you do MBA from PESIT?
Moi: Sir, MBA is in the rudimentary stage in PESIT. Also the quality of the students might not match the premier B-schools.
P1: What do you know about IIMI?
Moi: Spoke about it being established in 1996, different committees like equiti,infiniti, and also about ISC-Symposium.
P1: Do you know anyone in IIMI?
Moi: Yes sir, two from my school. Gave the names, and also my IIMI mentor.
P1: What kind of a job profile are you looking at post MBA?
Moi: Consulting, with focus on cross domain profile. Spoke about TAS, TSMG, McK and KPMG.
P1: But these kind of companies do not come to IIMI.
Moi: Not sure about McK, but others including Delloite, SAP and IBM consulting do come.
P1: So what all do you read?
Moi: I read whatever I can lay my hands on -fiction, non-fiction, tech, magazines, newspapers.
P1: What's the distribution between fiction and non-fiction?
Moi: Was into fiction a lot when I was in school and beginning years of college. Have started picking up books like... (was cut off here by P2).. wanted to talk about Blink and Freaknomics, which I had recently read.
P2: So what's your general day like?
Moi: gave the normal IT guy schedule answer.
P1: What was TCS' turnover last year?
Moi: Around 3 bn, moreover TCS Bangalore was 140 mn in Q3.
P2: What was TCS' share price?
Moi: Yesterday's closing was 1199. It has taken a hit along with the others, gave quotes for Tata Steel and Tata Motors.
P2: What do you attribute this to?
Moi: Shanghai Sneeze, all the world markets took a hit. Another reason could be FII pulling out their investements due to the budget. We are trying to control inflation and not supporting infrastructure development.
P2: Let's hear something about your work
Moi: Explained the business logic, didnt want to be grilled on tech much, so told about a technology called Siteminder that is used in our project.
P2: Do you write any programs?
Moi: Sir, only a little bit of UNIX and LINUX scripting.
P2: What's LINUX?
Moi: Told about it being a competitor to UNIX. Didnt have good performance to start off with. But with collaboration with RedHat, it has emerged a strong competitor.
(Things started going wrong from this point.)
P2: Is UNIX a level 2/3/4 language?
Moi: Sir, I have heard only of high and low level language. And UNIX is a high level language.
P2: What's an Os?
Moi: It's the interface between the user and the computer. It manages the computer software and hardware resources.
P2: So are UNIX and LINUX Operating Systems/Programming languages?
Moi: OS
P2: Are you sure?
Moi: hmmmm, no Sir, they are PL!!! (MISTAKE!!)

P2: You know the policemen?
Moi: Yes Sir.(Didnt like the sound of this question.)
P2: Why do they use Walky-talkys and not cellphones especially with such low costs that they offer?
MOi: !!! Sir they have a pre-determined frequency that is not available to public. Offers more security. Told about it being possible to track cell calls and sms easily.
P2: So how do they receive the Walky-talky message?
Moi: they have a radio reciever at the other end.
P2: Are you sure about radio receiver?
Moi: Yes sir.
P2: So why cant we have a receiver at the other end and tune into their frequency?
Moi: zapped. Not sure sir.
P2: So where are all your clients servers located?
Moi: Sir, in Phoenix and disaster recovery servers in Minneapolis.
P2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of servers at one place?
Moi: Sir, it offers a central location and thus easier maintenance, for hardware replacement and skilled job it needs to be in one location?
P2: Hardware replacement is skilled?
Moi: Yes sir, we dont do it here. A team from IBM takes care of this in US.
P2: ok and disadvantage?
Moi: In case of a natural calamity, entire infrastructure might fail.
P2: Only one advantage and disadvantage? You have been working for 2 1/2 years now, is this all you know?
Moi: Sir, this is all I am able to think of.
P2: So what is a router?
Moi: It's a specialised computer which ensures that requests are sent over the path of least congestion.
P2: What's a switch? We are not talking about the electric switch, hahaha!!!
Moi: Smile.Sir, it's also a networking component. Dont really recall what it does.
P2: You had Networks as your subject?
Moi: Yes sir.
P1: Have you heard of the Cold War?
Moi: It was about the war between the USA and Russia that arose because of Nuclear buildup.
P1: So when the US attacked Russia, did they do it by air/sea?
Moi: ??? Sir, it might have been by both. ( US did not attack Russia at all!!)
P2: So what is the Hot War?
Moi: I am not sure if there is something called a hot war, the World War II might be called a hot war.
P1: Ok where is xxx located?
Moi: Clueless.Never heard of this, was not even sure he was talking in English!!
P1: Where is yyy located?
Moi: Never heard of this too, again sounded non-english. Maybe it was because of the construction going on behind.
P1: Where is Lotus Temple located?
Moi: Not able to recall. (It's in Delhi)
P1: How about Taj Mahal?
Moi: Agra. (yaar what was he thinking of me?)
P1: Red Fort?
Moi: Delhi.
P1: ok, one last question... (I am not able to recall it, just wanted this to end before I ruined
a interview that I had begun well)

Good communication and clarity, confidence and content in GD, also had a smile most of the times in the interview, workex. Overall it was a decent show.
CAT percentile, low compared to others. Only one IIM call, so everything to lose. Not aware of other's performances and parameters looked at for selection.